Sinistra Zone - Adam Bodor (New Dire
新しい本, フィクション, 文学, 英語で予約する, 洋書
Roundabout BooksジャンルID:
[商品名称]Sinistra Zone - Adam Bodor (New Directions) 【紙書籍】 9780811219785
[キャッチコピー]新しい本, フィクション, 文学, 英語で予約する, 洋書
[商品説明]タイトル: Sinistra Zone著者: Adam Bodor出版社: New Directions出版日: 2013年08月26日新しい本新古品・未使用品。出版社からの新着。Entering a weird, remote hamlet, Andrei calls himself "a simple wayfarer," but he is in fact highly compromised: he has no identity papers. Taken under the wing of the military zone's commander, Andrei is first assigned to guard the blueberries that supply a nearby bear reserve. He is surrounded by human wrecks, supernatural umbrellas, birds carrying plagues, albino twins.The bears -- and an affair with a married woman -- occupy Andrei until his protector is replaced by a new female commander, "a slender creature, quiet, diaphanous, like a dragonfly," and yet an iron-fisted harridan. As things grow ever more alarming, Andrei becomes a "corpse watchman," standing guard over the dead to check for any signs of life, and then ...